Thursday, October 31, 2013

Greater Than

UNC Asheville's Mathematics Department Sums Up SuccessAverage would not be a word used to describe the Mathematics Department at UNC Asheville. Faculty members teach across disciplines with courses in humanities, history, environmental studies, religious studies, the MLA Program and the honors program. Each year, several students go on to...
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Minneapolis Federal Reserve executive to speak at NSU

ABERDEEN, S.D. - Ron Feldman, executive vice president of the FederalReserve Bank of Minneapolis, will speak at Northern State University on Thursday, Nov. 7.Feldman will deliver his presentation, "Trends in the Banking Industry that Affect the Ninth District: Consolidation among Community Banks," at 11 a.m. in the NSU Student Center Centennial...
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Win up to a $5,000 scholarship for the spring semester

It's that time of the year again! As they have for multiple semesters, the Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum is thrilled to announce that they will once again be offering a scholarship for up to $5,000 for the Spring 2014 semester. Not only can students get a generous scholarship, but they're given the opportunity to network with the biggest CIOs in the country.The qualifications are as follows: 3.6 GPA or higher Sophomore, Junior, or...
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JSP Educational ScholarshipThe University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee campus is proud to offer the JSP Educational Scholarship to students admitted to the College of Education. The goal of this scholarship is to support single parents raising K-16 child(ren) who are enrolled full-time at Sarasota-Manatee . The scholarship is valued up to $5000.00 per year and is renewable up to eight semesters. Students that meet the criteria...
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UCOP staffers help raise nearly $1.2M for scholarships | Welcome to the UCOP e-newsletter

Assistant Vice Provost Yvette Gullatt has already met her promise and raised her target amount of $1,100 for undergraduate UC scholarships through Promise for Education, UC's crowd-funding campaign that kicked off in mid-September.About 30 UCOP "promisers" have helped raise nearly $1.2 million through the university-wide effort, with promises...
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Incoming Freshman

The incoming Freshman 2013 class received an average of $20,000 in grants and scholarships from all sources including federal, state, and institutional funds. Over 98% of the Freshman 2013 class received grants or scholarships from Centenary College.Admitted students are automatically reviewed for the following scholarships during the admission...
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Beloved horse Credit Card lives on through scholarship

The first recipient of the Credit Card Memorial Scholarship at Southern Arkansas University is fittingly a calf roper - TyDaniel Haller.Haller, a junior from Corydon, In., is majoring in Agriculture Business at SAU.Last season, Haller won the long-go in calf roping at Missouri Valley and made the short-go in team roping at Murray State....
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Over 1,000 Came! The 2013 College Scholarship Conference was a Smashing Success

Category: FeaturesPublished: Oct 30 2013 12:00AM The 2013 College Scholarship Conference, held on Saturday, October 26 at the Universities at Shady Grove, was a tremendous success!A record-crowd of more than 1,000 Montgomery County students and families showed up early on Saturday morning to learn about financial aid and scholarship opportunities...
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Helene Fuld Health Trust Scholarship Fund for New 15 Month Accelerated Baccalaureate Degree Nursing Students

NYU College of Nursing Scholarships and AwardsDeadlinesAugust 15th for Fall 2013; December 2nd for Spring 2014 Established by Dr. Leonhard Felix Fuld and his sister, Florentine, in honor of their mother, the Helene Fuld Health Trust Scholarship Fund assists new 15-Month Accelerated Baccalaureate Degree Nursing Students at the NYU College of Nursing. Scholarships are based on academic merit and demonstrated financial need. Through...
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Ways of Giving | Eastern Shore Community College

Ways of Giving/Opportunities to GiveCash (usually in the form of a check) is the most common way to give. Gifts of cash can be deducted up to 50% of your adjusted gross income in the year you make the gift; any unused deduction can be deducted in any of the next five tax years. Please mail your check to the ESCC Foundation, 29300 Lankford...
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Scholarship recipient hopes to pass on passion for reading | News | University of North Texas

Donors Byron Killen, far left, and Jan Killen, far right, pose with UNT senior Atticus Shaskan, middle, at the College of Education scholarship banquet Oct. 24. Shaskan received four scholarships from the College of Education to help him pay for his last year of school. Photo credit: DENTON (UNT), Texas - As a high...
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Connors State College

The Agriculture Division offers a $600 scholarship to new incoming freshman students. The scholarship is offered for the first two semesters at $300 per semester. Students must maintain a 2.5 grade point average the first semester to be considered for the second semester. Applications are Due March 1 st of each year. Students must be...
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Scholarship - Scholarship Guidelines - Daytona State College Foundation, Inc.

Scholarships may be as specific or as general as you wish. The items below represent criteria that you may want to consider when establishing scholarship restrictions and guidelines. We will work with you to ensure that the scholarship you support helps students in accordance with your desires. Download this document as a PDF Amount of Award - Tuition and books cost approximately $1,000.00 per semester for full-time students...
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Northeastern Makes $1,000 Promise to CPS Students

Northeastern Illinois University Makes $1,000 Promise to 400 CPS StudentsCHICAGO - Northeastern Illinois University teamed up with the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) to host the HACU Youth Leadership Development Forum for middle and high school Chicago Public Schools students on Friday, October 25. To close out the day's events, Northeastern announced that the 400 students in attendance would receive...
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Monday, October 28, 2013

SWCC Educational Foundation, Inc. | SWCC-Southwest Virginia Community College

Welcome to the SWCC Educational Foundation, Inc.The Southwest Virginia Community College Educational Foundation was founded in 1981 as a means of seeking needed funding for the college and students. The Foundation's purpose is to support the mission of the college and to help meet the needs of and provide opportunities for students, faculty and staff. The Foundation is a non-profit organization governed by a Board of Directors...
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Nursing Professor Awarded Fulbright Scholarship

Madison, Wis. (March 23, 2012) - Dr. Rachel Rodriguez has been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship for 2013. Rodriguez, an associate professor in the School of Nursing at Edgewood College, will serve as a visiting professor at the Kamuzu College of Nursing in the African nation of Malawi. There, she'll mentor new Ph.D. faculty in research, and teach in the graduate program in the newly-developed Community Health Nursing specialty...
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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Waynesburg student attains PICPA scholarship

Waynesburg University junior, Alyssa Daniel, recently became one of 51 students in Pennsylvania to receive the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) scholarship award for 2013.Through the PICPA scholarship, Daniel, a forensic accounting major from Manheim, Pa., will receive a multi-year renewable scholarship for $3,000 for three years."Alyssa was a perfect candidate because she has an excellent academic...
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Extending our appreciation for military service, DeVry University offers a Veteran's Appreciation Grant to help provide assistance for hardworking, talented students who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.Open to new and continuing students who are veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces (Army, Navy Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, their respective reserve forces, Army National Guard, and Air National Guard) and can provide...
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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Nova Southeastern University College of Nursing Dean Marcella M. Rutherford Selected for Prestigious National Nurse Fellowship | NSU News Center

FORT LAUDERDALE-DAVIE, Fla.- Marcella M. Rutherford, Ph.D., M.B.A., M.S.N., dean of the College of Nursing at Nova Southeastern University (NSU), has been named one of just 20 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Executive Nurse Fellows for 2013. Rutherford joins a select group of nurse leaders from across the country chosen to participate...
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Huizenga School of Business & Entrepreneurship's Jack Pinkowski Discusses the Recent Government Shutdown in Sun Sentinel and Huffington Post | NSU News Center

Jack Pinkowski, Ph.D., associate professor and Chair of Public Administration at the H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business & Entrepreneurship published an opinion piece in the Huffington Post and the Sun Sentinel in which he discusses the our system of checks and balances and puts the recent government shutdown into perspective."I don't...
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UWI SPEC International Half Marathon

The 10Donate or Text to a Charity of your choiceThe University of the West Indies (UWI) Sport and Physical Education Centre (SPEC)'s International Half-Marathon 2013 is not just about the race this year. To celebrate its 10th anniversary, the organisers of the Half-Marathon have embarked upon a charitable initiative, where 10 specially-invited...
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Water Law in a Nutshell

Former 26-year Water Referee for the Colorado Water Court, Division 4 November 8, 2013 8am - 5pmColorado Mesa University - Grand Junction, CO University Center Room 221 This seminar has been timed to supplement the 3rd annual Upper Colorado River Basin Water Conference at CMU November 6-7, 2013. This seminar will cover all aspects of the law related to water rights and ditch rights as applied in Colorado. Subject...
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Friday, October 25, 2013

SouthEast Bank awards scholarships to UTC students

SouthEast Bank and The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga announce that five students have been selected to receive the SouthEast Bank Scholar award for the 2013-2014 academic year. This scholarship will provide Olivia Simmons, Jennifer Lopez, Kelsey Stansell, Danielle Ducheny, and Joshua Seaton with $5,000 annually to offset the cost of tuition and assist in accomplishing academic and personal goals.Along with Regional President...
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University Announces Class of 2017 Presidential Scholars

Presidential Scholarships are awarded to incoming freshmen with outstanding records in high school and notable community involvement. The scholarship covers four years of full tuition provided that the student maintains at least a 3.25 grade point average. The following students were awarded Presidential Scholarships.Karissa Barbarevech,...
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Campus Voices: Suma Datta | TAMUtimes

Many of you read that we recently lost one of our original Mercury Seven astronauts and national Space heroes, Scott Carpenter, who was also one of the founders and ongoing supporters of the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation (ASF). Since 1986, ASF has awarded more than $3.7 million in scholarships and now awards 28 scholarships annually...
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Interior design majors get national scholarships (Mississippi State University)

Mississippi State interior design majors Anna Strohm and Jessica Kent, center left and right, respectively, are receiving major scholarships from the American Home Furnishings Alliance. With them are Beth Miller, interim associate dean of the College of Architecture, Art and Design, and interior design program director, and Bill Martin,...
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How Scholarships Affect Your Financial Aid Award

Scholarships are among the most coveted financial aid awards. They are considered gift-aid and do not have to be repaid. If you receive a scholarship, some of your other aid, such as federal work-study or loans, may have to be reduced. According to federal guidelines and university policy, the total annual amount of a student's financial...
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High school seniors and graduates are invited to create an original poster design expressing the theme "You Can Create Tomorrow." Professional graphic designers will judge your work on originality, visual impact, presence of required elements, and demonstration of basic concepts.High school seniors could earn a first-place $3,000 tuition...
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