Here's a list of faculty, staff, and students who have made headlines for their accomplishments in recent months.
Faculty and staff
Marian Roman, an associate professor of nursing, has received the 2013 Award for Innovation from the American Psychiatric Nursing Association for her work in aiding the mentally ill in the Knoxville community. She is among seven psychiatric-mental health nurses in the nation to be recognized.
Hap McSween, Chancellor's Professor and distinguished professor of earth and planetary sciences, will receive the Whipple Award from the American Geophysical Union at their annual meeting in December. Named after Fred Whipple, a gifted astronomer noted for his work on comets, the award honors a person who has made an outstanding contribution to planetary science. McSween also has been appointed vice president/president-elect of the Geological Society of America. He will serve as vice president until June 2014, then take over as president and serve until June 2015. GSA has more than 25,000 members in 107 countries.
Timothy M. Young, a professor in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources' Department of Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries, has been selected as a Fulbright Scholar for an exchange with an Austrian university and also has been named president of the Forest Products Society.
Witek Nazarewicz, a physics professor, has been named a UT-Battelle Corporate Fellow for his outstanding leadership in nuclear physics research.
J. Paul Dittmann, executive director of the Global Supply Chain Institute, has been appointed to the Kenco board of directors. Kenco is a leading provider of distribution and fulfillment, transportation services, and intelligent information technology.
Marvelene Moore, a professor in the School of Music, was awarded the Lowell Mason award by the National Association for Music Education, the highest award given by the organization.
Howard Hall, Governor's Chair for Global Nuclear Security, has been named a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Sam Swan, professor of journalism and electronic media and director of internationalization and outreach in the College of Communication and Information, has been awarded a Fulbright Senior Specialist grant to teach radio journalism to volunteers and students at community radio stations at two universities in Ethiopia.
Thanks to chemistry professors and program leaders Michael Best and Shawn Campagna, the Research Experiences for Undergraduates program has been awarded a three-year-grant from the National Science Foundation. The Chemistry Department has been offering critical research and professional development through this summer program for more than ten years.
Chris Cimino, vice chancellor for finance and administration, has been named to the Research Universities Constituent Council of the National Association of College and University Business Officers. NACUBO is an organization for business and financial officers that represents more than 2,500 colleges, universities, and higher education service providers around the world.
Amy Blakely, assistant director of media relations, is president of the Tennessee College Public Relations Association. She will serve for two years.
Alexandra Brito, from Brentwood, Tennessee, and Grant Currin, from Cleveland, Tennessee, have been named the 2013 recipients of the Peyton Manning Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded annually to incoming first-year students who have been selected as Haslam Scholars. Now in its sixteenth year, the program has honored twenty students.
Spring graduate Raven Chavanne, who played third base for the softball Lady Vols and had the nation's fourth best batting average, was selected by the College Sports Information Directors of America as the Division I Softball Academic All-American of the year. She was a finalist for the USA Softball Collegiate Player of the Year.
The student chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management in the College of Business Administration was named the most outstanding chapter worldwide for the second year in a row.
Thanks to those who work diligently on our safety and emergency plans, Neyland Stadium has been recognized with the National Sport Safety and Security Facility of Merit Award from the National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security. The award recognizes a facility that has demonstrated an innovative approach to enhancing safety and security beyond normal operations, or addressed a significant safety or security concern.

Source: Utk
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