Your sons and daughters are embarking on a new and exciting journey here at the University of Nebraska - Kearney. Opportunities for your son or daughter to establish new friendships, cultivate memorable moments, and celebrate future accomplishments abound. However, being one of more than 1,100 incoming freshmen students can be intimidating; incoming college undergraduates often feel overwhelmed once they step onto campus. In fact, numerous studies indicate that student retention is much more accurately reflected by the connection they feel to their campus environment, rather than it is about their academic performance. By joining a Greek organization, your student will have the unique opportunity to meet many new and committed students, and they will instantly feel a part of a group that will set their campus connection into motion immediately. Simply put, your son or daughter's sense of belonging will be in place BEFORE classes even begin!
How will my son or daughter benefit from joining a fraternity or sorority?
FRIENDSHIP is the cornerstone fraternity and sorority life, but it doesn't end there. Greeks at UNK boast higher grade point averages than the average undergraduate student's GPA (check out our scholarship page for current stats) and the UNK Greeks are leaders in nearly every of the 200 student organizations on campus. Each Greek Organization actively participates in the intramurals sports program, UNK athletics, and serving the Kearney community. Over $60,000 has been raised each year for local and national charities in addition to over 18,000 hours of hands-on service.
MEMBERSHIP in a fraternity and sorority offers a more well-rounded college experience. UNK's Greek community represents over 650 diversified men and women belonging to 14 different fraternities and sororities. Our Greek community provides its members with opportunities for growth and excellence in academic, leadership, service learning, and a sense of belonging.
UNK fraternity and sorority members are most often leaders in all areas of campus life. In fact at UNK, 16 out of 17 Student Diplomats are Greek, 10 out of 17 of the Chancellor's Ambassadors are Greek, 9 out of 15 Greek Student Senators and the Vice President of Student Senate is also a Fraternity President, countless Greeks have been tapped for Mortar Board, 4 of 8 New Student Enrollment Leaders are Greek, and the 2010 Homecoming King and Queen, 2011 Homecoming King, and 2012 King and Queen guessed it - Greek! As you can see, our Greek students are incredibly visible on campus!
GREEK AFFAIRS encourages parental involvement throughout the year; the majority of our chapters host a Parents/Family Weekend and may even have a Parents' Board that you can get involved in. Our goal is to enhance your sons' and daughters' collegiate experiences by offering them the support and opportunities that will help them achieve their maximum potentials. Be sure to check out all areas of our website for even more information about UNK Greek Affairs!
Standards of the Greek Community
- The Greek community prohibits all forms of hazing.
- All Greek houses are 100% substance free (no tobacco or alcohol).
- Chapters and councils have different grade requirements to join.
- All chapters must maintain a collective 2.50 GPA
UNK's Greek community is built on strong academic standards. Members expect a lot of themselves and each other. Working together, they pride themselves on academic excellence. Chapters provide:
- Group study sessions.
- Workshops in test-taking strategies, study skills, time management, and resume building.
- More than $5,000 annually for rewards and recognition for academic achievement through honor societies, national and local scholarships, awards and banquets.
- Faculty fellows or advisors to offer support and advising expertise.
- A academic resource room, complete with computers, a printer, and adequate studying materials in every chapter house.
Service to others and the community is part of everyday life in the Greek community. Our fraternities and sororities are generous fundraisers and service providers, annually giving more than $60,000 and 10,000 service hours to local and national charities. Students in Greek life will:
- Give time and energy to benefit numerous philanthropic and community service events including 'The Big Event" and "St. Jude's Up Til Dawn," two of the largest student-run philanthropic event on campus and in the state of Nebraska.
- Organize dozens of chapter events to raise money and educate the campus and Kearney community.
- Promote education on topics such as AIDS awareness, eating disorders and body image, women's issues, cardiac care, arthritis, and other issues affecting the campus and the world.
True leadership comes from experience. As a member of the Greek community, your son or daughter will find tremendous opportunities that will give them the experience to become an effective leader. Fraternities and sororities are self-governing, giving members numerous leadership possibilities. Greek affairs offers leadership training programs campus wide and through individual chapters.
- Greek 101 leadership academy
- Applauding Excellence
- Greek Scholarship Awards Ceremony
The brotherhood and sisterhood within Greek affairs is truly a "family" experience. It offers your child the security and happiness that's part of the brother/sister bond. While they don't have to limit their social life to Greek activities, your son or daughter will find many opportunities to meet and interact with their chapter, other fraternities and sororities and other campus organizations. Family-style living in on-campus sororities and fraternities has great appeal for members. Living, eating, and studying together helps solidify lifelong friendships.
- In the past five years, more than 100 colleges and universities have opened their doors for the first time to fraternities.
- 71% of those listed in "Who's Who in America" belong to a Greek Organization.
- Of the nation's 50 largest corporations, 43 are headed by Greeks.
- 85% of the Fortune 500 executives belong to a Greek organization.
- 40 of 47 U.S. Supreme Court Justices since 1910 were Greek.
- 76% of all Congressmen and Senators belong to a Greek organization. Every U.S. President except eight born since the first social fraternity was founded in 1825 have been members of a fraternity.
- 63% of the U.S. President's Cabinet members since 1900 have been Greek.
- A National Conference report shows a high percentage of the 4,000 NIC fraternity chapters are above the All-Men's scholastic average on their respective campuses.
- A U.S. Government study shows that over 70% of all those who join a fraternity/sorority graduate, while under 50% of all non-fraternity/sorority persons graduate.
- Less than 2% of an average college student's expenses go toward fraternity/sorority dues (U.S. Department of Education).
- Over 85% of the student leaders on some 730 campuses are involved in the Greek community.
Contact Us
If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact Erin Christensen, Assistant Director for Greek Affairs, via email at or phone at 308.865.8057.
Follow the Office of Greek Affairs and all Greek community news on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and OrgSync!
© Office of Greek Affairs, Division of Student Affairs

Source: Unk
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