Photo Galleries Highlighting
2012-13 Academic Year
Welcome to the Hope College Photo Galleries. Here's a glimpse of some of our campus events throughout the year. The most recent galleries are listed first.
Photo Galleries Highlighting 2011-12 Academic Year
Photo Galleries Highlighting 2010-11 Academic Year
Photo Galleries Highlighting 2009-10 Academic Year
Pictorial Highlights of the
Presidency of James E. Bultman
June 28, 2013
Kruizenga Art Museum
Luncheon and Groundbreaking
May 24, 2013
Baccalaureate & Commencement
May 5, 2013
Annual Spring Fling Celebrates
Last Day of Classes
April 24, 2013
Undergraduate Research and
Creative Performance Celebration
April 12, 2013

John C. Knapp Named 12th President of Hope College
Dr. John C. Knapp, who is the founding director of the Frances Marlin Mann Center for Ethics and Leadership at Samford University in Birmingham, Ala., has been named the next president of Hope College.
Knapp, whose leadership experience includes higher education and business, and whose scholarship includes multiple books and articles on leadership ethics, issues in higher education, and the intersection of faith and work, was unanimously elected the 12th president of Hope by the college's Board of Trustees on Monday. He will assume office on July 1st. continue / more information

MIAA Women's Basketball
NCAA Tourament Run
March 2013

Dance Marathon
March 8-9, 2013
The 2013 Dance Marathon concluded having raised $139,041.43, the highest one-year total in the event's 14-year history. This year's marathon, held on Friday-Saturday, March 8-9, also set a participation record with 750 students involved. Since the event began in 2000, Dance Marathon has raised a total of $1,142,641.03 for Helen DeVos Children's Hospital, "for the kids."

March 3, 2013

February 13-16, 2013

February 13-16, 2013

in DeVos Fieldhouse
Hope 65, Calvin 50
February 16, 2013

Hope-Calvin Rivalry game
in DeVos Fieldhouse
184th Renewal
February 9, 2013
Hope 73, Calvin 70
Gallery #1 / Gallery #2/ Gallery #3
Christmas Vespers
December 1-2, 2012

Student Dance Performances
Nov. 19-20 and Dec. 3-4, 2012

November 17, 2012
2012 Images:
A Reflection of Cultures
November 9-10, 2012
Relay for Life
Photo Gallery
Hope's 10th annual Relay for Life raised $45,488 for the American Cancer Society. The Relay for Life is part of a national fund-raising initiative for the American Cancer Society. Members of the Hope community formed teams and walked the Dow Center track overnight to raise funds for research, education, advocacy and service in the fight against cancer.

November 3, 2012
78th annual Nykerk Cup competition
Photo Highlights from 78th Nykerk Cup

The women of the freshman and sophomore classes were featured in song, oration and drama during the annual family weekend event. The Class of 2016 (freshmen) was presented the Nykerk Cup. Congratulations to both classes!Photo Gallery
October 12-14, 2012

October 12, 2012
Dedication of the
Haworth Engineering Center
Photo Gallery
A groundbreaking ceremony for the Haworth Engineering Center was held during Homecoming. The 9,000-square-foot addition to the northwest corner of VanderWerf Hall is being named in honor of a lead gift from Haworth Inc. and the Haworth family. Supported by many donors through the college's "A Greater Hope" comprehensive campaign, the project is being completed for a total cost of $3.75 million, including an endowment for ongoing maintenance. It is scheduled to be ready in time for the start of classes next fall.
Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries one / two / three / four / five /six / seven/ eightConvocation Address Highlights
Learning in a Life that Already Matters
Fall Convocation Address
Community Day
September 1, 2012

August 24 - 27, 2012

Source: Hope
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