General Information
Sick Leave Bank Open Enrollment Set in September: The APS Sick Leave Bank will hold the annual Sick Leave Bank Open Enrollment from Sept. 1-30, available to employees covered by the negotiated agreements for the Albuquerque Teacher's Federation, the Albuquerque Educational Assistant Association and the Albuquerque Secretarial/Clerical Association for participants who will exhaust all accrued leave (personal, sick, annual) and are experiencing a catastrophic illness or injury. For more information, call Loretta Olson at 889-4858.
2nd Annual 'Green Apple Day of Service' Coming in September: APS has set a goal of more than 50 projects to be completed by schools for the week of Sept. 23-28. Join the network of APS champions to demonstrate to the community and the world that we value sustainable, a healthy environment, and that where we learn matters. Schools wanting to participate should identify a project and goals and register it with the US Green Building Council. Learn more by visiting For ideas or team-building assistance, e-mail Ron Rioux at or Tony Sparks at
Teacher Training
'Dia de los Muertos' Workshop is Sept. 7 at Hispanic Culture Center: The National Hispanic Cultural Center and the UNM Latin American & Iberian Institute offer a free professional development workshop from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 7 at the NHCC Education Building, 1701 4th St. SW. Participants will be taught how to integrate Día de los Muertos into their classrooms with this hands-on, art-based workshop. Certificates of professional development and copies of relevant curriculum materials will be provided. To register, contact Erica Garcia ( at the NHCC. For more information, call Keira Philipp-Schnurer at 277-7047, e-mail, or visit
Workshop Focuses on Developing Programs for Teachers: The Sofia Center for Professional Development in collaboration with educators from South Valley Academy and Amy Biehl High School will offer "Building Inspirational and Innovative Professional Development Programs; A Working Retreat for New Mexico Educators" from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 21 at Bosque School, 4000 Learning Road, NW 87120. There is no charge for participants. To register and for more information, call Karen Sanchez at 898-6388 or e‑mail Deadline to register is Sept. 13.
University of Phoenix Offers Tuition Discounts: Through the education partnership between Albuquerque Public Schools and University of Phoenix, the Workforce Solutions Education Partner Grant is available to new students enrolling through Sept. 30, 2013. These enhanced tuition reductions range from 12 to 19 percent depending on degree level, and apply to classes started from April 12, 2013 through Aug. 31, 2014. These Grant awards have a potential annual value of $3,000 for new bachelor's degree seekers and $2,000 for associate or master's degree enrollees. These benefits are provided in addition to the corporate tuition reduction you may already enjoy through the education partnership between Falcon 49 and University of Phoenix. When the program benefit period is over, the regular corporate tuition reduction (if applicable) will be applied. For information and to learn about eligibility requirements, visit or call 866-354-1800 to speak with an enrollment advisor.
Grand Canyon University Offers Tuition Discounts for Master's Degrees: Cohort scholarships for New Mexico educators offer discounts of up to 20 percent off the regular cost of tuition for those enrolling in master's programs for special education, ESL, and education administration. A webinar to explain the cohort program is set for 4:30 p.m. Sept. 4. To join the webinar contact Dominic Baca at 301-3016 or e-mail him at
Student Programs/Scholarships
NM Museum of Natural History & Science hosts Prehistoric Preschool: The New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Family Programs' Prehistoric Preschool is a weekend family program for children ages 3 to 5 and their grown-ups and has a new session starting in Sept. 12 - "Plant the Perfect Providers". This class will incorporate time spent in The Learning Garden and an optional hike at the Sandia Mountain Natural History Center. Families choose either Thursday, Friday or Saturday class from 10-noon, or Thursday or Saturday class from 1-3 p.m. The four hands-on family science classes meet every other week. To register, visit For more information, call August Wainwright at 841-2861 or e-mail
"Let's Talk Month" PSA Contest Accepting Entries: The New Mexico Department of Health is now accepting submissions for its "Let's Talk Month" public service announcement contest. Youth groups (ages 13 to 18) are encouraged to make a video PSA or write a PSA telling parents and peers about one of the following themes: talking to your kids about sex or making a reproductive life plan to help teens understand how a pregnancy will affect their goals. Deadline for submissions is Sept. 13. Entries meeting the qualifications will be voted on by a panel of youth. The winner will be announced on Oct. 1. Guidelines, submission information and tips are available at on the Family Planning Program's contest webpage:
Nuclear Science/History Museum celebrates National Nuclear Science Week: During Oct. 21-25, the Nuclear Science and History Museum will welcome students in grades 6-12 for nuclear, radiation, and energy related hands-on activities. Bus transportation and museum admission fees covered by grant funding. For more information and application for funding, call Rachael Cutrufello at 245-2137, ext 101. All lessons meet state and national standards related to energy atomic structure.
Ms. NM offers Community Service Scholarship: National Ms. New Mexico 2013 will be awarding a $100 scholarship to a New Mexico student who has survived cancer, is attending school, and/or is a veteran or dependent, and is involved in community service. Funds may be used for computer, books and other college needs not covered by grants or aid. Submit a two-page essay on why this scholarship would help you in college at this time; include what you do with the community and how you give back; any challenges you have overcome; and the name of your school. E-mail questions and essays to
AYSO Hosts Soccer Program for Special Needs Players: The AlbuquerqueRegion 104 of the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) has added an adapted soccer program for players with special needs, called VIP (Very Important Player) program. Players four years and older who have a disability that would make it difficult for them to play successfully on a mainstream team will have an opportunity to play soccer at their own level. There is no upper age limit. Practices and games will be held back-to-back, each session including learning soccer skills followed by a soccer game. Sessions will be held at 1 p.m., Sundays beginning in September at Montgomery Park. For more information, contact John Reich 342-2976 ext. 710,or e-mail
Water Resources Education Program for K-12: The Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority announces the 2013-14 Water Resources Education Program for grades K-12. Classroom presentations correlate with standards and benchmarks and include hands-on activities, educational puppet shows, and field trips. For more information, visit, call Sharon Sivinski at 768-3245 ( or Theresa Dunn at 504-8977 (
'Voice of Democracy' Audio Essay Contest Open to High School Students: The Voice of Democracy program is open to students in grades 9-12 and the theme for 2013-2014 is "Why I'm Optimistic About our Nation's Future." Students should record their reading of the draft essay to a CD (3-5 minutes), then submit a typed version, CD and entry form to their local VFW Post by Nov. 1. Winners can be awarded up to $30,000 in scholarships. Visit for entry form and information.
Double Eagle Airport Hosts Land of Enchantment Fly-In on Sept. 7: The Double Eagle II Airport hosts a fly-in from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 7. There will be information about aviation careers, various aircraft types, and how airplanes fly. An exhibit hall, builder's corner, and pancakes and burgers are among the highlights. See veteran air show pilot Bob Carlton with his jet sailplane the "Chile Flight", a local formation flying team, and the Lobo Wing of the Commemorative Air Force's Fairchild PT-26 Cornell. This is a family event with aviation fun for all ages. Admission and parking are free, donations accepted. Directions - take I-40 or Paseo del Norte west to Atrisco Vista Blvd NW, follow signs to Double Eagle II Airport. For more information, call Joyce Woods at 974-5305 or e‑mail
ALS Walk is Sept. 13: The APS walk team, Educators Walking for a Cure, is recruiting walkers for the Walk to Defeat ALS 2013, Sept. 22 at Isotopes Park (set a personal goal, raise funds, and walk). Funds raised will be used to help those suffering from ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease). Register online at: For more information, e-mail Lisa Marshall at or call 321-9144. Donations may be made on-line.
Proposals Accepted for 'Sharing the Dream Grants': The National Association of Elementary School Principals and MetLife Foundation announce that proposals are now being accepted for the 2013-2014 Sharing the Dream grant program. For 2013-2014, five grants of $5,000 will be awarded for new projects that create globally oriented schools and international learning communities, and that engage children in transformative, multidisciplinary experiences and service learning projects that will help them succeed in the interconnected world of the 21 st century. Deadline for submitting proposals is Sept. 11. Grants will be awarded mid-October. Applications and guidelines are available at
Check out the new Employee Discounts site to learn about our community partners who offer discounts to APS employees.

Source: Aps
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